Genetics set your ceiling and training gets you there #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
How to train your tendons to be stiffer and jump higher #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
Who do you agree with? Original argument is on the post I made on January 26th #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
What is RSI and why are some people better than others at it? #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
How torque plays a huge role in how much you can squat and the transfer to your vertical jump #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
Why you need to look at the masses rather than the outliers and not just taking the word of Joe Bob the old head who claims he had a 40 inch vertical back in his day #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
How to time your arm swing with your block foot to jump higher #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
You NEED to be powerful if you want to jump high #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
How I Warmed Up To Hit The Best Dunk Of All Time #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
Why do athletes like Anthony Height and Justin Darlington jump so high? #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
This guy is 6'9 and here is an exercise he uses to jump so high #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
I hit a dunk that was supposed to be impossible, but, will I hit it on 10ft? #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk
These athletes are able to store and release energy in their tendons very well to run fast and jump high #jumping #jumphigher #dunking #howtodunk #jumptraining #basketball #volleyball #strengthtraining #dunk