Georgia Malbrough
País / Región:America
Aptitud física
105380Clasificación global
24325Clasificación de país / región
Nuevos vídeos35
Nuevos seguidores-1122
Nuevas vistas1.33M
Me gusta nuevos111.16K
Reseñas nuevas713
Compartir nuevo2.96K
Georgia Malbrough  Tendencia de datos (30 dias)
Georgia Malbrough Análisis estadístico (30 dias)
Vistas promedio 1.33M Seguidores / Puntos de vista -0.08% -
Me gusta promedio 2.76K Gustos / Puntos de vista 6.04% -
Reseñas promedio 17 Reseñas / Puntos de vista 0.05% -
Participación promedio 73 Cuota / Puntos de vista 0.22%
Georgia Malbrough Videos calientes
Sharing this in hopes it gives some of you the strength I was able to have. Thank you to everyone on my insta for the abundance of love and kind words. This was for the girl who had to suffer in silence for fear of being shamed and disregarded. None of us are alone in this world and unfortunately so many of you have been able to relate to me. I dont think I will ever be able to share the details of what happened to me at fourteen with anyone publicly but I can speak about how I handled this recent occurrence.
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