How I’d invest $1000 in 2025! 1st I’m investing $400 dollars into an S&P 500 ETF like $VOO or $SPY. This will typically be the largest holding of any investment portfolio I start and its up 80% in the past 5 years. 2nd, I’m adding $200 of QQQ - that’s the ETF giving you exposure to tech and software companies. In the past 5 years its done really well +128%.. Next, I’d put $300 into individual stocks - choose 3 stocks and put $100 into each of them. I’m choosing stocks that I think will be around in 40 years, think of your Apple’s, Google’s, and JP Morgans of the world. It’s important to not buy any speculative or penny stocks. My last $100 will stay in high yield savings or in cash waiting for opportunities. This split will provide diversification to a lot of stocks via ETFs, as well as some concentration to stable, long term stable individual names to get my portfolio started. If you have any questions let me know below!
Why are people less sensitive to price changes when it comes to gasoline, eggs, or milk? It has to do with price elasticity. Gasoline is inelastic, versus other goods are Elastic. In this video I explain the differences between the two! I hope you enjoy this economics lesson ;) Follow for more explainers on personal finance, investing, and economics!
Contrary to what people believe, the first $100k is typically not derived from investing. Most of it comes from saving - so for your first $100k you need to do everything you can save up to that amount. Then your money can compound for you investing.
This is how I’d invest $10,000 if I were starting all over again. #1 I’d invest $5000 into an S&P 500 ETF like $VOO or SPY, this is going to be the foundation of your portfolio. Its up 83% in the past 5 years 2nd I’m then adding another $3000 into QQQ - thats the ETF that gives you exposure to all the software and tech companies. In the last 5 years its up 135% 3rd, I’m putting $2000 in a high yield savings account, I always want cash on hand in case there are opportunities to buy up any dips. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll also have some free resources in the bio or description.
How Taxes Actually Work: a common misconception is that you pay more in taxes overall if you get a raise that moves you brackets. This is not true! As your income increases, you’re only taxed at a higher rate on dollars above the previous threshold. Send this to a friend and if you want more personal finance, investing, and money content - follow my page for more! #finance #taxes #personalfinance
Here are 3 options to invest in within a Roth IRA: and the riskiest one is last. First option are index funds - these are low to medium risk over a longer time horizon (20+ years). You set it and forget it - and on average should return about 8-10% per year. Second, you can go with a 3 fund portfolio. That’s where you have a US stock market index fund, an international stock market index fund, and a bond fund. This is more diversified than the first option, so lower risk in general - and is overall solid. Third, individual stocks - especially mega caps. Since the Roth IRA gives you tax free gains, if you want to take full advantage of that you want holdings with high upside. These are riskier, but having a few positions of companies of the caliber of Apple or Amazon Google etc, could be good. $1000 in Apple stock 20 years ago is worth more than $700,000 today - and if you invested in a Roth IRA then all of your gains would be tax free. That's the power. Let me know if you have any questions.
The government literally teaches you how to be rich, you just have to read between the lines. Here are 3 methods. #1 is that Investment income, its taxed differently than your job. If you make $100k in investment income, you get taxed 15% at long term capital gains rates, or $15,000. If you make $100k in salary, you’re paying 22.4% in total tax. Tax rates for salaried jobs are much higher - so what should you do? Probably invest. And #2 - any Roth retirement account. These are accounts where all your profits that you make are tax free, and they’re so overpowered that the government literally limits the amount you can contribute to them at $7000 per year if you’re under 50, or $8k per year over 50. Lastly #3 - QBI deductions. America always encourages small businesses, and small business owners and certain freelancers get up to a 20% deduction on business profits. If you make $190,000 in business income through an LLC, Sole Proprietorship, S Corp, or any entity with pass through income - your total tax owed 29,522. With a salary, you would owe $36,888 on just Federal Income tax alone. Follow me if you want a part 2 on other ways the government incentivizes you to be rich.